Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Warning: Arsenic Found in Organic Baby Formulas

If you�re a parent of an infant, there is some unsettling news spreading in the science community regarding organic infant formula.

Arsenic, a chemical element linked to multiple forms of cancer and other chronic diseases, has been found in foods that list organic brown syrup as a primary ingredient. A research study released this week found high-levels in infant formula and cereal bars marketed as organic. Organic brown rice syrup is often used as a substitute for high fructose corn syrup in prepared organic foods.

One of the infant formulas tested for 6 times the inorganic arsenic levels the EPA allows for drinking water, according to a study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

While there is some debate to the risks posed by exposure to inorganic arsenic it is probably not a good thing. Speaking on the TV show TODAY, Dr. Mehment Oz stated, �It�s a big concern for me � I think it�s another reason [why] we need to be very strict on how much arsenic we�re going to allow in our food supply.�

What is most unsettling about this news is that the EPA standards for drinking water are set for adults and not tiny babies. So the impact of the levels, one would suspect, is much higher.

These days there is a greater focus on eating better and living healthier. While this is only one product and one research study, parents should take note. As the research indicates in this instance, organic does not always mean healthy.

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